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6 Ways You Can Turn Your Blog Into a Lead Generation Machine

6 Ways You Can Turn Your Blog Into a Lead Generation Machine

In the late 1990s, when the Internet was in its infancy, the internet was experiencing a revolution that would forever alter how businesses communicate with their clients online.

This phenomenon was later referred to in the field of “blogging.”


Twenty years after that, everyone from stay-at-home mothers up to Fortune 500 companies operates blogs for a myriad of reasons. At present, HubSpot reports that companies that prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to reap positive ROI.

Offer your readers perks.


If you’re the administrator of an online store, an excellent method to get leads is offering readers of your lead generation blog the possibility to purchase items at an affordable price.

The Gap offers discounts to customers who subscribe to their newsletter via email and goes one step further when they offer deals through text messages to ensure customers “never miss a thing.” The “things” include deals, designs, and more

Include CTA’s in the content of your blog posts


A call-to-action is precisely its name — a method to get your reader engaged in a specific action. They’re required for landing pages that post clicks and advertisements. They’re surprisingly under-used in blog posts.

When you write a piece such as this one regarding how to get leads, consider adding a link within the text of your blog post (like that in the following paragraph) to a whitepaper or ebook.


Try a welcome redirection.


If you’ve recently written a piece of content you believe is beneficial to your readers, think about using something called”welcome redirection. “welcome redirect.”

WordPress has an extension that allows you to direct your site’s users to a lead-capture page before they even step foot on your blog.


Be aware that this is more of an “in your face” tactic than the other methods we’ve discussed in the past. This could be a source of irritation for the readers of your blog. Always test A/B to ensure it’s improving your conversion rate rather than harming it.


Banners for leverage margins

Margin banners are a standard feature on nearly every blog you’ve read. The majority of the time, If you look at the right sidebar, you’ll see a CTA which tries to convince you to download the content or sign up to the email newsletter.


In the Instapage blog, we provide a CTA to encourage customers to check out our post-click templates, which are 100+ of the best professional web page designs. Look at the right side of this blog post, and check it out yourself. (We also tested 12 different images on this banner to see which one converts the most effectively.)


Comment on CTA’s comments


It’s been widely known for a long time that the “comments” section of an article is among the most effective ways to generate qualified leads.



They are the ones who are interested enough in your content to interact with your brand for questions or concerns, provide praise, or offer suggestions.

If someone comes for more details on the subject of your post, respond not just with an intelligently-crafted comment but instead include a CTA to the post-click landing page, where users can download a whitepaper or ebook to gain additional details on the topic.


Remember that occasionally blogs won’t let links be published in comments for fear of people filling the comments with untruthful or spammy branding. Therefore, use this method but only sparingly.


Use pop-ups that let you exit


Now you’ve finished reading this blog post but are yet to do anything in the blog post.

It doesn’t matter. You’ve found what you were looking for and are prepared to return on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or whatever it was that brought us to where we are today.

Then you drag your mouse toward high up on the screen, and you’re preparing to type in a new URL or click that tiny blue “x” in the corner at which point the entire screen is taken over by an ad.


This is referred to as”exit pop-up” or “exit pop-up.”

Many of the most successful marketers use these tools to accomplish everything from getting Facebook followers to creating leads.

Author Biography:

Tim Skyba

Senior PR Manager at Belkins

A B2B marketing expert with more than five years of experience in sales. He never stops to achieve challenging goals and is passioned about searching for new growth opportunities. He is always eager to share the latest trends with the audience.

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