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Break Free from Application and Data Integration Challenges

Break Free from Application and Data Integration Challenges

If you’re having trouble achieving a unified view of your data, you aren’t alone. According to a 2020 BARC survey, 87% of companies know they could improve their data handling. If your data handling skills are holding your business back, there are ways to fix the mess and take back control. It starts with SaaS, or software as a service. Read on to discover how your company can overcome application and data integration challenges.

Lack of Centralization

Year after year, poor data quality ranks at the top of the list of company troubles in Deloitte’s Global CPO Surveys. How is your team spending their time? Do they manually review and validate data? Relying on teams of employees to separately comb through their department-related data and aggregate sources may take too long to be of value. 

Time-consuming data collecting doesn’t help anyone if it ends up being the same information already shared by a different department. All this data compiling takes away from the most important part of obtaining the data in the first place: analyzing the information and putting fresh insights into action. Collecting data isn’t the only big problem facing a company.

Duplicate Data

It’s easy to ignore duplicates, at least at first. When different teams operate — compiling their own data and designing their own plan of action — duplicates can happen. These repeats may include simple errors, such as a customer using two different names during sign-up. But over time, these duplicates can run rampant, getting in the way of new data and signifying a greater problem, a lack of cross-department data-sharing and communication. 

This funnel effect leaves everyone shouting into the void, while wasting resources and company time. All this happens while leaving money on the table. Look to your company culture. Are you encouraging inter-department communication? Standardize your data so it matches across the board, from department to department, while making good use of software as a service tools to remove redundancies and bring your varied teams together — without further driving them apart. 

Improper Formatting

Undecipherable information isn’t going to help grow your business. If your team is spending their time manually formatting, validating, and then correcting erroneous data, it isn’t time well spent. Don’t waste another precious second. Data transformation tools are the answer to your company’s needs.

These tools eliminate format issues by making changes automatically. The tool analyzes the base language, picks out the right language, and handles the details. Best of all, your team can double-check the data at any time for peace of mind.

SaaS Solution

What is SaaS if not a way to improve your application and data integration between vendors? Modern data automation tools bridge a link between your data and the platform without any unnecessary labor involved. In other words, your business will receive incoming data without the need for manual intervention, leaving your team free to place priority on the actual data.

Connect data as you deem appropriate and what fits the capabilities of your SaaS application, so you can create a seamless transition and data-collection response with each customer. Validation is typically baked right in, so you can automatically trust the data and integrate your newfound information right within your workflows. It’s a simple way to save everyone time.

SaaS to the Rescue

Your applications, functions, and processes have valuable information to share. Don’t let data-handling roadblocks prevent you from making the most of this business-growing capability hidden inside your data. See how SaaS can help your business grow and reduce your IT costs in the process.

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