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Developing a Memorable Brand Identity in 2020

Developing a Memorable Brand Identity in 2020

Having a strong and memorable brand identity is crucial for businesses in order to be able to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Your brand identity is not just your logo. Creating a brand identity that makes an impression is not as easy as coming up with a name and a logo.

Of course, your entire brand identity doesn’t revolve around just the logo, but it is a major component of having a strong and impressionable brand identity – especially in 2020. Brands like McDonald’s, Adidas and Starbucks have memorable logos that people are immediately able to associate with said brands. At Grafdom Dubai, we believe that there’s more to just a logo when it comes to creating a strong brand identity.



Some of the biggest brands in the world, some mentioned above, have short and simple names. If customers cannot pronounce or remember your business’s name, you’re heading in the wrong direction. You want to be easily remembered and having a straightforward business name is key. 

Shorten longer names that you have in mind, or spell it in unique ways. 



Use bold colors that will immediately catch people’s attention. If you’re in the food and beverage industry, make use of colors that encourage appetite – mainly yellow and red. Remember to keep your logo simple. No one will pay attention to logos that seem to have paragraphs of text in it. Your company slogan does not belong on a logo. 



Every brand has a different personality. It’s important to choose the right personality in order to appeal to the right audiences. Your brand personality needs to match what you’re selling and you need to decide whether your personality is more casual or formal in order to reach the right people. Choosing the right language is your main focus here.

You need to make sure that your brand personality is authentic. This will require careful planning and research. Find out what your main target audience engages with on social media. Find out what excites them online so that you can base your personality around the same. 



Every business needs to know why they exist. Your mission statement allows you to answer the question of why you exist and helps you create a compelling reason to why you operate. It will help you assess the needs that your business will satisfy in the marketplace. Your mission statement needs to align with your values and it’s vital that it is something that you are proud of.



Similar to the language needs of developing your personality, your tone of voice on Social Media is essential to your business. Your tone of voice needs to be consistent in your captions and when you reply to comments. If you’re a formal entity with longer, serious captions, your comments need to follow suit and stay formal. If you’re a business that advertises with fun, quirky captions, make sure that the tone of voice when replying to comments is light-hearted as well. Maintain consistency when communicating on social media! 



One of the most important aspects of starting a business is knowing what the market is like and what your competitors are doing. Part of your identity will play into how you want to differ from other brands in your industry. 

How can you stand out in the market? What aspects can you improve on and do better than others? 

Researching your competitors and finding out what you can do better will have a large impact on your brand identity.



 digital marketing services well-executed brand strategy will directly impact your customer, especially if you add emotional elements. Build a story around your brand that tugs on the heartstrings and leaves a lasting impression on your potential customers. Storytelling is essential to every business and without a personal and emotional story, your brand will not be able to establish a connection with your audience. 



Building a brand that blends in with other companies in your industry is not a good strategy. You need to make sure that you are truly unique and that you stand out in the crowd. It might be scary, but taking leaps to be different is what will help you grow ultimately. Standing out from other companies will help you sustain a memorable brand identity and give you an edge to beat your competitors.

About Fazreen Razeek

Fazreen Razeek from Grafdom has served the digital media industry for over 5 years. He collaborates and works alongside agencies, event organizers, and suppliers to develop and execute their marketing strategies. He is extremely passionate about education technology and also writes for various local and international publications. A graduate with High Distinction from the Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia, Fazreen holds a Bachelor’s Degree with a double major in Marketing & Management.


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