Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Something you have been told a lot? Well, that will not be the case in your next IT certification. There is actually a lot of preparation you can do before your IT exam, so on the day, you feel calm and confident.
Are IT exams different from the exams you took in school?
At some point in your life, you probably took exams at school. Whether that be your GCSEs, A-Levels, or University exams. The truth is, a lot of academic exams rely solely on memory and theory rather than practicality and application. This is what makes IT exams different. When taking an IT exam, the examiner wants to see you know the knowledge, and you can apply that knowledge to a real-life situation. Also, the nature of IT means that there will be a lot of memorisation involved, of ports, channels and software.
Tips to make sure you pass with flying colours
Do not worry too much about your IT exam, only take it when you feel fully prepared and ready to do so. Here are some tips to make sure you pass your exams with flying colours the very first time.
Follow similar exam guidance as if you were sitting your paper at school
As an adult, it can be a little bit trickier to be disciplined with yourself when you have so many other distractions. In order to pass your exams, discipline will be the key to your success. When you sat your exams at school you probably had designated time outside of the classroom to complete any extra work or revision. Make sure you allow time, a couple of months in advance of the exam, to study. This way you will not have to cram any revision in.
Know what the exam wants from you
Although there is an element of surprise which will come with the exam, knowing what you can expect from the exam is another key step to take to pass your next IT certification, whether you are a beginner or an expert. Exam technique has helped millions of students pass their exams, and it will certainly help you too. Take as many different practice papers as you can, this way you will get a feel for the questions, and you will not be surprised when similar ones pop up in your exam. Furthermore, make sure that afterwards you are reading through the mark scheme and highlighting any parts you forgot in your own answer.
How do you learn best?
Establishing what kind of learner you are is essential in knowing which is the best technique to revise from. There are three different types of learning, visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Take a read and see which one fits you the best.
A visual learner is someone who likes to read information and physically see it on a page. You may like learning via lectures and find it easier to memorise information once it is written down. If you are this type of learner, creating flow charts, diagrams and flashcards can really help your brain absorb information.
Alternatively, you may be an auditory learner, which is someone who finds they can retain information better if they are hearing it. You may prefer to be told how to do things, then afterward you are able to repeat what you have just been taught with minor errors. Auditory individuals tend to learn best by repeating material out loud and discussing topics with other people.
Or, you could be a kinesthetic learner. This type of learning involves a practical approach. This style typically lends itself to science and the arts, but that does not mean it can be neglected when it comes to getting your IT certification. The best way to learn for kinesthetic individuals is to take study breaks every 20 minutes and try to learn the material while doing something else, for example, walking. You might even think about joining a study group.
Get yourself into a study routine
A study routine is a foolproof method of ensuring that you are dedicated to your IT exam and know exactly what to revise on which day. Once you have established a plan, the only problem you may have is sticking to it.