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We all are in a new world interacting with the new normal. There has been a 360 degree in the transformation in the strategies, action plans, and approaches by most of the organizations. The world is changing and to keep up with the new world, each business has plans or is planning to keep its business sustain in the longer run. The most important concern of the majority of the businesses these days is how to reach their customers and clients effectively. They are utilizing every marketing channel to reach and engage with their existing clients and attract new potential customers.

Marketing for restaurants has undergone a sea change. More than dine-in experience, customers are looking for ordering food online. These days, customers are searching for restaurants with a good variety of menu, quality and food hygiene, reviews, and ratings. The Internet is providing such wonderful platforms and opportunities that now the diners can google restaurants, check out their reviews, ratings, food, and ambiance before looking at any restaurant. People are also into the online ordering of food so that they can enjoy delicious food at the comfort of their homes. It is not difficult to attract huge foodies unless the approach isn’t customer-centric. The restaurants should build a strong and loyal customer base so that whenever the customers think of some delicious food then that restaurant always comes up to their mind.

Here we will be sharing some restaurant marketing ideas which will help restaurants in their promotion.

1. Website:

A website is the first step in the process of brand marketing of the food and beverage industry. No matter if the presence is local, a website or online presence is important to reach to the customers. The restaurant should upgrade itself and should invest in professional, user-friendly, and responsive restaurant website development using any of the top eCommerce website builders nowadays.  The diners should be able to easily navigate your website to find your location, menus, operation hours, and photographs of the restaurant. Keep in mind your website should be optimized for mobile devices as people are more into their mobiles. The best to attract the diners to the restaurant is to update high-quality photographs of your restaurant space, specialty foods, and your staff. It will give a more professional look and diners would visit the place.

2. Local SEO:

Local SEO is very important for any business. SEO helps in ranking the website high in your niche. It drives the huge traffic to the website and your restaurant gets business. Local SEO is important as there is an increase in search using the phrase “near me”. For example, “Best biryani near me”. When your website is SEO friendly and optimized for Local SEO, the information is derived and the results are shown in the Google SERP. The best way to optimize for local SEO is to update your profile on Google My Business. You can also hire a marketing agency for a restaurant or digital marketing agency for restaurants for your SEO requirements. SEO for the restaurant’s website not only helps the local customers but can help the tourists or travellers to visit your place.

3. Social Media:

Social Media

Almost every generation is into Social Media Handles. Social media marketing for restaurants is the best platform where you can promote your business across social media handles and drive your business to the next level. Create a page on different Social Media handles and update all the basic information, photographs of your restaurant, and specialty foods. Restaurant’s marketing is incomplete without Social Media. It provides a platform where you can promote your restaurant through cost-effective ad programs. You can create a huge engagement using social media by hosting different events, announcing discounts on certain foods, offer food coupons to the most engaging audience, announce take-away, or any competitions. The paid ads will do wonders for the restaurants. You can run ads by targeting your audience, targeting the age and demographical location. You can invest as per your budget on a per-day basis. You can track the performance of your ads in terms of engagement with your ads.

As of Instagram, monitor your engagement rate and impressions on each post. This can also help you know which hashtags are working and which you should skip. There are some really popular Instagram hashtags that you can use in your posts to reach more and the right audience but that needs proper research.

4. Restaurant Directories:

Listing restaurants on directories is important as your customers are new to your restaurant or some may find your restaurant on the list. This is also one of the most effective ways for marketing your restaurant. After your listing is done, make sure you always answer to people’s queries or thank them more their reviews and feedback.

5. Posting Video Content:

The most important aspect of Digital Marketing is quality content. Your content can be in the form of photographs, blogs, or video content. Video content is always a very engaging form of content. Some restaurants or food chains have made excellent use of video content to promote their restaurant. You can shoot a video on creating public awareness, a restaurant walk-through, or maybe a customer’s experience after they visited your restaurant.

The more creative and interactive your website is, it will hit the market and you will surely have a breakthrough amongst the competition. Here is a video that Burger King had posted. It said, “COME AS A CLOWN, EAT LIKE A KING” on Halloween

6. Online-Ordering Companies:

Sometimes people want to have their favourite food delivered at their doorstep and to enjoy the food at their comfort of home. Your restaurant must have an option of online delivery of foods so that people can enjoy their tasty food anytime by not stepping out of the home. These online-ordering companies are surely the best way to promote your restaurant and help in generating revenue. They help to create a profile of your restaurant and people can order food through the app. They provide an option for creating offers or to mark a food item as the best seller to attract the customers.

7. E-mail Marketing:

E-mails are of great help when you are in digital marketing. You can send them e-mails thanking them for visiting them, asking them to visit them again, inform them how much you miss their presence at their restaurants, share some discounts or offers on dine-in and e-mails attracting to come back your restaurant.

Now there is a huge competition that a restaurant is facing. Apart from providing quality food and services, you need to put some extra effort into building a community and a loyal customer base. It would help to keep your business in the long run. Digital Marketing helps to reach a wider market and help in growing your organic reach with a few of the above restaurant marketing ideas.

If you are looking for a Digital Marketing Agency for restaurants for restaurant website development and are ready to promote your restaurant digitally, then 72 DPI SKILLZ is always here to support you with our result-driven approach. Connect with us today for any assistance.

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