What is Always Pads?
For more than 40 years, Always Pads has been providing women with period care products.
We base all we do on ensuring the safety of these products for the millions of women who use them.
Because nothing is more important to us than your well-being, we are glad to offer our statistics on the ingredients used in our Always Pads
Why are Always Pads used?
Since her school in Barishal, Bangladesh began giving out free sanitary Always Pads and counseling on how to deal with menstruation, Labonno’s periods are no longer a taboo subject.
“I used to be ashamed about my period in school, but now I don’t mind it at all.
The 14-year-old recalls, “There was no way to acquire sanitary napkins or dispose of them previously.”
“Now, even throughout my menstrual cycle, I don’t skip school.”
Menstrual cycles are a normal part of a girl’s journey toward womanhood, however, in Bangladesh, they are seldom discussed openly.
According to a 2018 national hygiene study, just 53% of teenage schoolgirls had heard of menstruation before having their first period Always Pads
Apply These 5 Secret Techniques To Improve Always Pads 2022
Staples for women’s hygiene
More than 5,000 schoolgirls in the districts of Faridpur and Pirojpur have been able to acquire sanitary Always Always Pads wet wipes, sanitizer, and other hygiene supplies thanks to a UNICEF-supported program.
An incinerator was also supplied to each school as part of the initiative, in order to guarantee that spent
Always Pads are disposed of properly.
As Labonno points out, sanitary Always Pads are “always accessible in the hygiene area.”
“I keep a calendar of my menstrual cycle so that I can see when my period is due.
“I’m ready now,” I tell myself.
Attendance at school has increased.
Girls’ attendance increased by 25% once the hygiene corner was implemented.
A lack of education may have serious effects on females, according to research.
Their grades may suffer as a result if they fall farther behind in their studies. Always Pads
It’s possible that this is enough to persuade their parents to have them permanently removed from school.
Child marriage is more common among females who have dropped out of school.
Always Ultra
Hence the introduction of Always’ new Always Pads Ultra line of pads, which come in four varied sizes to accommodate every woman’s individual flow and form.
Each size includes Secureguard contours for optimal protection regardless of the activity you’re engaged in.
Many times, opinions about a substance’s safety might shift in an instant Always Pads
To remain abreast of the latest developments in science, we keep tabs on recent publications, survey feedback from customers, and consult with industry leaders.
Always Pads Analytical data and supplier information are used to confirm that the level of a component is within the safe range.
Each component has a safe amount that is determined by our Ph.D. scientists and independent specialists.
Even life-sustaining elements such as sunshine, oxygen, and water have a safe and dangerous amount or limit.Always Pads
Just like you, we ask a lot of questions when we’re looking into new ingredients or working with our vendors.
We thoroughly evaluate all available safety information and will not use anything unless we are certain that it can be used safely.Always Pads